My Girls are Here!!

Girls arrived safely at 8:22/8:23am Monday the 6th December 2010. They all came out crying and didnt need any ventilation. Our first born was 2.04kg, second 1.8kg and third 1.7kg. It was one of the most surreal, amazing experiences in the world. I felt like I was dreaming and had to pinch myself a couple of times. They had their first feeds at 3pm today, 3ml per feed every 3 hours, they were so hungry they gobbled it all up. Im expressing every 3-4 hours and surprisingly got a decent amount to work with.

Im feeling OK, a bit sore but nothing too serious. I got 3 morphine injections last night and finally had to tell the doc that i couldnt possibly have any more. I was in a drug haze and to be honest didnt need it, terrible stuff. Emotionally Im OK too which is also surprising as I was preparing for some ups and downs.

Will post again asap.

30 comments so far

  1. cstelle on

    Congrats!!!!! So glad everything went well!!!

  2. Emily on

    Congratulations Mama! Glad delivery went well and babies are doing so well! πŸ™‚

  3. Cindyhoo2 on

    Many congrats!!! Wonderul news. Now rest. πŸ™‚

  4. celia on

    Hooray! Congratulations x 3!

  5. Melissa G on

    Congratulations Mama!!! So glad things are going well – can’t wait to hear more!!!!

  6. Leigh-Anne on

    Congratulations! Congratulations! Congratulations! Yes, 3x congratulations – one for each little girl. I am so happy for you. I hope you will post pictures once you’re a bit more settled.

  7. Sweets on

    Congratulations! So happy to hear that everything went well.

  8. Erika on

    Wow, sounds like all went well. And your girls will be out of the hospital real soon.
    Congratulations, may they only bring joy, happiness and love!

  9. Abs on

    You sound like you are coping wonderfully Dee! Well done mommy – try to get some rest now! xx

  10. Lesley on

    Well done Dee! Try to get some rest and enjoy your little babies.

  11. coachmarcia on

    I can’t wait to see your gorgeous babies! When I read 3ml that took me right back to the NICU days when we used to get excited when they were moved to 8ml and so on.

    Good times!

  12. Kaitake on

    Congratulations!!! Yay I’m so pleased for all five of you that it went smoothly πŸ˜€ best wishes!

  13. Mash on

    That really is fantastic news, congratulations and hugs and best wishes xxxx Wooooohooooooo!

  14. Kitty8218 on

    Yay awesome news πŸ™‚ Congratulations what a wonderfully happy ending. So truly happy for you xxx

  15. wheresmybun on

    Congrats Dee! I’m SO happy for you!

  16. MommyInWaiting on

    Dee I am so thrilled for you guys! So glad to hear all girls are here and healthy! Enjoy these first few days as a family, look after yourself and get as much rest as possible! Sending all five of your sooo much love!

  17. samcy on

    Awesomeness! So glad to hear that all went so well and what good weights for trips – well done Mamma! Enjoy looking at them and loving them.


  18. Marion on

    Congratulations Dee! I’m so glad you are feeling well and that your girls are doing well!

  19. sienna on

    congratulations!!! glad they are here safe and sound and that mommy is doing well. can’t wait to hear more details :o) xoxo.

  20. Jennifer on

    SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Happy for you!!!! Congratulations!!! I am so glad you are feeling well!! Great job on keeping those babies in there so long! You have done wonderful!!!

  21. waiting4amiracle on

    I am absolutely over the moon to hear that Dee. Congrats again.

  22. Cam on

    What a blessing – congrats hun xxxx

  23. Jodi on

    Holy crap that is fantastic

  24. Fran on

    oh my God my friend you are a mom!! I’m in tears of joy here, we got our miracle BFP at the very same time and you have your little ones with you and all is well. You can’t imagine how happy this makes me feel. Can’t wait for your next update. Much love, Fran

  25. mozzie01 on

    So excited for you! Thinking of you tomorrow when you go home…remember that your babies are in good hands.
    I remember how terrible that morphine was…I also had to ask them to stop giving it to me…I felt so drugged and out of it!

  26. ChrisN on

    Congrats, been thinking of you all so much. Such wonderful news. I am so thrilled they are all doing okay and that you are too. I am going in today for my c-sec so also very excited, apprehensive too. It feels so surreal.

    Keep posting Dee (if you have any time)… I can’t wait to follow your progress. It is such a beautiful happy story.

    Take lots of care

  27. jill on

    Congratulations!!! πŸ™‚

  28. darylfaure on

    Well done mom! You did so great. Hope you are recovering nicely and the girls are growing fast so you can take them home soon. Keep those updates coming.

  29. pinkreflections on

    This is such awesome news, Dee! I’m sooo excited with you. I even feel a bit teary when I try to imagine how amazing it must have been to meet your girls.

    They’re such little troopers too! You must feel so proud. Each breathing on their own – what a beautiful miracle.

  30. cat@juggling act on

    Congratulations! You did so well! And great weights for trips.

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