A Long Overdue Update

We have had all 3 babies home for a while now.

Its been wonderful, hectic and rewarding. Dont get me wrong Ive had a few WTF moments. Last Sunday at the 6am feed when none of them wanted to eat was an example. I was tired (no night nanny on weekends) and fighting with a baby who keeps on spitting out your precious expressed BM makes one a little testy but other than a few of these incidents its mainly been going really well. Their 6 week check-up went perfectly and the doctor is very happy with their progress.

I tried BF’ing but it didnt turn out so well and since the babies had 5 weeks of feeding via a bottle in the hospital they seem to have nip.ple confusion even though the nurse at the NNU said its impossible at such a young age I seem to disagree. They flatly refuse the bo.ob. So I pump and feed them with a bottle. It is alot like double work but thankfully with my day nanny being so excellent Im able to take 20 mins every so often and pump. My milk supply is so much better now. Ive been told that it only every comes in properly after 6 weeks with prems and now I believe them.

During this time my beloved gran of 93 years of age passed away which devastated me. It was her funeral yesterday and I flew to Durban for it, leaving my day nanny with the trips for the whole day. I was pretty stressed about leaving them for so long but it all went well.

I believe the key to your sanity with multiples is feeding them at the same time, this has been going well. Ive taught both my day and night nanny how to do it and it takes around 45 mins to get them all done. If a baby is refusing to eat then I dont let it bother me, I let them sleep and if need be give them a few mls top-up if they wake up before the others. It seems to be working. They all wake up around the same time and feed at the same time. Ive ordered this bottle and hope that this will help even more to feed them all at the same time. We have also started introducing tummy time which has made their necks strong enough to almost hold them up by themselves. They are really doing so well and every day I see a change in my babies.

It all still feels a bit surreal but Im slowly getting into the swing of things. Motherhood is good, it makes me happy and I love my children more than life itself.

I had my 6 week check up and my gynae has put me on the pill. Yes, for birth control. We have decided to rather take the pill for now, a whoops would be wonderful but I want to give our trips all my attention for now. Maybe in a few years we will try again for another, we still have 13 frozens afterall…

As for the fate of this blog, Ive decided to stop blogging. I never thought a “parenting after IF” blog would be right for me and I was right. This blog is called Wheresmy2lines afterall and my 2 lines turned into 3 girls which I am eternally grateful for. I will leave my blog as is for those that might happen across it and hopefully find some sort of hope from my story. I had a happy ending and you can too, whether it be from IVF, DE, surrogacy or adoption. It can happen, dont forget it.

I would like to end my blog with a heartfelt thank you to the entire IF community. Thank you for keeping me sane during many dark times, your comments and advice kept me going. Ive found many friends in the computer who I will still follow to see where life takes you. Ill still be around on Fertilicare offering advice as far as I can but I will no longer blog here. So sadly this is goodbye…

All my love and best wishes for the future,

PS if you want to contact me leave a comment here, Ill check in from time to time.

24 comments so far

  1. tolovebella on

    omg. I can’t believe I am crying!! such a fart, I am. I’m glad that I can still be ‘in contact’ with you via FB though!! I’d really, really miss seeing updates on your 3 precious lambs! 🙂

    I wish nothing but complete awesomeness for you and your gorgeous, gorgeous family, Dee!


  2. Kaitake on

    I am sad to see you go, but it’s incredibly heartening to see you and your family are happy, healthy and thriving. Best wishes for your future and thank you so much for sharing your journey with all of us. Xxx Kaitake

  3. Kitty8218 on

    Thanks for the update. Good luck to you and your family and may your life be filled with sunshine and happiness for many days to come. Your story is one of hope and inspiration and keeps people like me going on our dark days. Good luck and congrats for never giving up and for reaching your goal of motherhood, it was not without battlewounds and scars but certainly worth it.
    God bless you all xxx

  4. celia on

    good luck!

  5. waiting4amiracle on

    sniff sniff, I’ll be sad to not read updates on your blog anymore. Sounds like everything is going well. I’m sorry about your Gran though. Your story really has been an inspiration Dee. I am honored to have been a spectator. Question: Will you still read blogs.

  6. franontheblog on

    Oh noo please don’t go!! I’m missing you already, we shared so so much of our journey together i cannot believe you won’t blog anymore…I secretly hope you’ll change your mind…

    I’m so happy your girls are doing so well, you are very organised and expressing enough for three gives me hope (specially when you said it took quite a long time to have proper milk supply).

    A big hug to you, please don’t disappear.
    Love, Fran

  7. Cedge on

    Dee darling. I will miss your blog. Thanx for sharing your journey, for being an inspiration and a friend to me. Like I said before, you will never know how much your knowledge, experience, support and courage has meant to me.

    I am thrilled that everything is going well on the home front and sad at your gran’s passing.

    I knew you would make it, the rest should will definitely go well after all the IF and NICU drama. All the best to you, DH and the girls.

    Enjoy enjoy enjoy! I will keep in touch.

  8. darylfaure on

    Going to miss your updates, but I know that you have your hands full. God bless you all and enjoy your girls. They grow up so very quickly.

  9. Sweets on

    Thanks so much for sharing you story with us. I have really enjoyed reading your updates and will surely miss it.

    So sorry to hear of your gran’s passing.

    You seem to be doing so great with the girls at home! The bottle link you posted – wow! what a great invention. All the best.

  10. Mash on

    I’ll be so sad to see you go. You really have been a very special companion along the way for me. I’m thrilled things are going well for you and wish you all the very best that life has on offer. Take care of you xxx

  11. Abs on

    What a stunning ending so a fabulous blog Dee! I will miss your posts but have loved following your story and hope to keep following through all the other channels we are connected on ;0) Enjoy your gorgeous girls! xxx

  12. sienna on

    i’m sooo glad that everything is going well with you and the girls. you are going to be sadly missed, but i wish you ALL THE BEST and am sending a great big hug :o) xoxo.

  13. Jodi on

    That bottle is so cute. I agree that sucks that you aren’t going to write anymore don’t you want to chronicle for your little ones? Okay that is a guilt trip sorry! That is part of the reason i do it for my own memories too but i am making them little books of the best posts. Something to think about when your little ones are not quite as needy like in four months or so. Take care you sound wonderful!

  14. Melissa G on

    Wow, I was so excited for an update – I did not see that coming. I will most definitely miss your posts, but I completely understand where you need your focus to be now. And I can’t think of three better reasons.

    You’ve been an amazing source of support and I’m grateful to have met you.

    Warmest wishes to you and your family.


  15. jill on

    Sending *hugs*! I’m sorry for the loss of your grandmother 😦

    So happy that things are going well with your girls. Wishing wonderful things for you in the future!

  16. strongblonde on

    🙂 you were the first person i read!! and i think maybe the first blog i left a comment! so glad we can still communicate other ways, you’ve been such a source of support for me over the years. 🙂 xx

  17. Nix on

    All i can say is i’m glad i met you before you said goodbye. I’ll keep in touch via FB., You’re a wonderful person.

  18. ChrisN on

    Wow Dee, sad your blog is coming to an end. I have loved following your story and I know your courage and determination has given hope to many! All the very best to you and your family. Your story has such a beautiful ending. Wishing you all so much love. Take lots of care

  19. cat@juggling act on

    I am so glad they and you are doing so well. Dee, there is a huge online multiples community which can be very supportive – do give a thought to a blog for the family /multiples. Have a look at my blogroll – many twin, trips and even quad moms there. And yes, their support means a lot. All the best.

  20. MariaE on

    HI Dee,

    So nice to hear all is going so well at home with the girls. So sad though that this was your last post on your blog. I fully understand your reasons. Your gorgeous girls need your undevided attention, and when you start work again, there defenitely will not be enough time for all. Used to love reading through your posts and many a times I have gone back in your history as a guide to ladies who have stuggled many IVF and taken the advice you have enclosed. Well my friend, have never met you in person, but will sorely miss your posts here, at least we have fertilicare and FB and hopefully one day will be blessed to meet in person.


  21. samcy on

    Firstly I’m sorry for the loss of your Granny Dee.

    Secondly I’m thrilled that all is going well with the girls and that you’re finding your groove with them all at home. I too will miss your posts here but will be following you on FC and FB 🙂

    Much love

  22. Hope on

    Hello Dee

    Sorry about your Gran…May you and your family be blessed with tons of love, blessings and lots of good memories.

    Will miss your postings.

    Tons of Love


  23. MommyInWaiting on

    Okay, so glad to see I wasn’t the only sorry person who got a lump in her throat and a tear in her eye at not having your blog to look forward to. I totally understand your decision and am so thrilled that I can still stay in touch on FC.

    I cannot tell you how much joy your story has given me and to hear you sounding so happy and contented in motherhood makes my hope even stronger and let’s me know that it will all be worthwhile in the end.

  24. tzipieastwest on

    Glad the trips and yourself are well !
    Will be missing you but luckily I can “find” you on FC. Sorry that I will not be following the trips adventures through life though …
    All the v. v. best to you and congrats again on you amazing journey.
    Much Love,

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